Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The closing

It was great to finally sit down with the owners. Our act of sale was a long-time comin' as we had many bumps along the way. In spite of the death of Papa Joe, one of the owners and longtime anchor in the neighborhood, everyone was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

After a wonderful celebratory lunch at Commander's Palace,
we went about taking care of some financial loose-ends before Ben
headed back home.

So now it's our problem. The magnitude of my project and it's peripheral issues began to set in and I felt fried and exhausted. The only way to combat my anxiety was to get to work. I began e-mailing my project and photos to some architects.
Once you must begin making payments, you want the project done in time. So far, it's been rough enough just getting to the closing but I know the next process or three will be long too. We have to find an architect, a contractor and get the conceptual approval from Historic District Landmarks Commission. Oh, and then permits ~ when the port-0-let is on the property and hammers start banging away, then I will feel much better.

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